Laparoscopic Gall Stones Surgery
What is Gall stones ?
The gallbladder is a organ situated right below Liver, that is meant to store bile and supply bile acids, a fluid formed by the liver for digestion.Nevertheless, it also transports wastes such as cholesterol and bilirubin, which the body produces after breaking down red cells. This is a major reason for gallstone development. Varying from a size sandgrain to a golf ball, it can cause an urgency of immediate surgical procedure if left untreated.
-High cholesterol or bilirubin level in your bile
-Hereditary (Family History)
– Obesity
– Pregnancy
-Oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy
– A high-fat and cholesterol diet with less fibre
-Disturbed Stomach
-Pain in Right Upper Abdomen just below rib cage
-Occasionally Pain in Right Shoulder or Back
-Vomiting/Nausea Feeling
Laparoscopic Removal of Gall bladder is the Gold Standard treatment for Multiple & Large Gall stones with inflammation of Gall Bladder.It is a minimally invasive procedure that results in less post-operative pain and a faster recovery than traditional open cholecystectomy. Sometimes in chronic patients ,gallstones slip through Bile duct & get obstructed in the bile ducts ,which have to be removed through ERCP,followed by Cholecystectomy.
The key advantage of Gallstone Treatment by Dr.Vineet Kini is the patient’s ease of recovery. There is no incision pain, which is common with traditional abdominal surgery. In fact, up to 90% of patients are discharged within 36 hrs of Surgery.
Normal activities can also be resumed after a few days once surgery is performed. There is no scar on the abdomen too.
First Floor Pagrav Building,Near Patkar College Swami Vivekananda Rd, Goregaon West Mumbai 400104
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